Gender Paygap Report

Choice Hotels Ltd

Mean Gender Pay Gap -2.3
Median Gender Pay Gap -2.6
Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap -56.9
Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap -12.6
Proportion of Males Receiving a Bonus 20.9
Proportion of Females Receiving a Bonus 30.7
Proportion of Males in Upper Quartile 43.2
Proportion of Females in Upper Quartile 56.8
Proportion of Males in Upper Middle Quartile 40.2
Proportion of Females in Upper Middle Quartile 59.8
Proportion of Males in Lower Middle Quartile 57.8
Prportion of Females in Lower Middle Quartile 42.2
Proportion of Males in Lower Quartile 60.9
Proportion of Females in Lower Quartile 39.1

I can confirm the data is reported accurate.

Sally Carpenito, Director